" When we started milling organic feed, we never dreamed of the variety of feeds we would be mixing. To give you an idea, here's a partial list of what we've sold recently.
  • A seventeen ton order of organic chicken feed, along with some pig and goat rations that we loaded on a truck and took to Georgia. There's a large group of people - sort of an informal coop - that gets together and order, then meet at one place to pick up. A chicken farmer organizes it for his friends and colleagues.
  • Twenty three tons of organic cow feed for Organic Valley farms in West Virginia.
  • Three kinds of chicken feed and two of duck feed for our Raleigh and Asheville runs. We have regular deliveries to each location each month.
  • An order for goats and chickens for a small local feed store. You‚Äôll be hearing more about that soon!
  • Turkey, chicken and pig feed for our friends at Reverence Farm.
  • A small batch of organic chicken feed for the backyard chickens that belong to Casey and Emily Lewis of Beechwood Metalworks. Those are their chickens in the picture.
Need feed? We'd love to mill an order for your animals. No order is too big or too small, and we ship anywhere. "

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