Our Sunflower Oil: Delicious, Nutritious, Organic
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 4/18/2018 to
" For cooking, for eating, for gift-giving, you can't beat our organic sunflower oil. It's available in 16 and 32 ounce bottles, but did you know the back story of this delicious, nutritious oil?
We grow organic sunflowers right here on Reedy
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Spread a Little Sunshine with Our Sunflower Seeds
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 4/18/2018 to
" When you see how beautifully our sunflower garden grows, it's easy to miss the beauty of what these flowers produce - and that's the seed! Reedy Fork Farm organic sunflower seeds are packed with energy from the sun, and birds of all kinds -
Queen's Coop
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 4/12/2018 to
" If you love chickens, and you're within driving distance of Charlotte, mark your calendars for April 28th, because you're going to want to be a part of this year's Queen's Coop Yardbird Fair and Coop Tour. It's a one day tour in Charlotte that
Falling Prices!
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 4/3/2018 to
" Effective right now, most of our prices are going down! The price of grain has lowered, and we'd like to pass those lower prices along to you. For example, our current price on a 50 pound bag of Cow Feed was $28. The new price is only $26.75.