Now Offering Organic Seeds!
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 1/25/2019 to
"If this winter weather has you longing or spring, we have great news for you! Reedy Fork Organic Store will soon be offering USDA Organic (which means 100% NonGMO) Seed by High Mowing.
We'll be carrying bush beans, cucumber, lettuce, kale,
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How to Provide for Your Chickens in the Cold
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 1/24/2019 to
" It's Cold. There is snow on the ground and you've got the heat turned up and you're wearing layers to keep you warm. It's just natural to think that your chickens also need a heater - or at least a sweater. The truth is, however, less is more
Spreading Cheer
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 1/10/2019 to
We recently received an email from some of our loyal customers, Mike and Sue, featuring Reedy Fork Farm on their YouTube channel Farm to Brookdale. In this segment Mike has included information on his organically fed Guinea Hens and after taking a
About Those Beef Recalls...
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 1/1/2019 to
" We hate to see another recall in the news about ground beef. It probably makes you a little nervous, with good reason! We want to assure you that at Reedy Fork Farm we are confident in our processor and the practices that they use to make sure all