Jamie and Taylor Say Cheese for Organic Valley!
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 10/18/2012 to
" Sometimes people forget that Reedy Fork Organic Farm is part of the Organic Valley Coop. That means that our milk is used in Organic Valley products - like their brand new American Singles slices! OV has just started a nationwide campaign to get
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Velma: the One-Legged Turkey with a Grateful Heart
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 10/11/2012 to
" Sometimes we hear stories from Reedy Fork customers that need to be shared. A recent example is a turkey named Velma who belongs to a wonderful lady named Danielle. We thought it especially appropriate for Thanksgiving time!
Velma the turkey
Social Butterflies...
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 10/5/2012 to
"[caption id=""attachment_860"" align=""alignright"" width=""282""] Calvin, the winning chicken portrait.[/caption]Just because we live out in the country doesn't mean that we're not society folks - at least not if you define 'society' as social