They're Blogging About Us
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 2/25/2011 to
Chances are you've already seen some of the pictures of local photographers Sarah Cook and Nate Perry. Recently, their pictures chronicled the Kick-off Potluck for Company Shops Market - the new coop coming to downtown Burlington, and those
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Why Do We Need Cow Feed When We're Organic?
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 2/18/2011 to
" “So if you’re an organic dairy, shouldn’t the cows just be getting everything they need from the grass?”
Well, in a perfect world with lush green rolling pastures – yes! Our cows would need nothing else to eat but grass. The
The Mill is Online!
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 2/9/2011 to
" The new mill is in service! After being trucked in (with a load of hay!) all the way from Wisconsin, after being installed in the building, and hooking up augers...after hours of figuring and wiring and sweating...Reedy Fork Farms Organic Feed