Why Do We Need Cow Feed When We're Organic?
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 9/17/2011 to
" “So if you’re an organic dairy, shouldn’t the cows just be getting everything they need from the grass?”
Well, in a perfect world with lush green rolling pastures – yes! Our cows would need nothing else to eat but grass. The problem
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How One Farmer Thinks Globally and Acts Locally
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 9/17/2011 to
" Following a farmer around for the day is exhausting work. The cows need to be milked, the organic chicken feed needs to be custom mixed, and there's a planning meeting for the Guilford County Soil and Water Conservation District.
What came first, the organic chicken….or the organic egg?
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 9/4/2011 to
" What came first, the organic chicken….or the organic egg?
The proverbial question may never be summarily answered. Yet organic eggs only come from organic laying hens. What makes a laying hen organic? A big part of the answer is in the
Our Visit with "Humane Food Finder"
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 9/3/2011 to
" Recently, Emily - who writes the Humane Food Finder blog - called and scheduled a tour of Reedy Fork Farm. We had an awesome time! Emily blogged about her visit, and was kind enough to allow us to share it on our site.
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