Soil Samples: What's In Your Dirt?
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 4/27/2017 to
" Do you know the difference between dirt and soil? Dirt is just little tiny pieces of rock and silt. It doesn't have nutrients needed for plants to grow and thrive. Add organic compost, and dirt literally comes to life and becomes soil.
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Calcium Builds Strong Plants with Aragonite!
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 4/20/2017 to
" Do you have that favorite houseplant that needs a little ""pick me up""? Are your outdoor pots looking a little sad? Do you worry about your tomatoes developing blossom end rot? Like your bones, many plants need a supplement of the mineral
Feed Bins Now Available
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 4/12/2017 to
" Are you wanting to purchase our organic feed in bulk but don't have a feed bin to store in? We are now offering feed bins to store your Reedy Fork Farm Organic Feed. Each bin in $125, and will hold 1000 pounds, which is a half tote.
Now anyone
So Your Girls Aren't Laying
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 4/6/2017 to
" It's no secret that hens can be temperamental. Of course - lest you think we're being sexist - so can roosters, but hens often show that something is wrong by slowing down or stopping their egg production.
If your girls aren't laying regularly,