Going on an Organic Egg Hunt?
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 7/31/2014 to
" When you're on the hunt for Organic Eggs, look no further that Reedy Fork Organic Farm. Our fresh, certified organic pastured poultry eggs pass all the tests you have for great eggs. They're delicious, nutritious, organic, and they come from our
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How to Recognize a Fresh Egg
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 7/22/2014 to
" When you buy eggs, the choices stretch out for a good portion of the refrigerated section at your local grocery story. Did you ever stop to think about how long some of those eggs have been in the store before you buy them and bring them home?
They’re Flocking to Reedy Fork
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 7/11/2014 to
"[caption id=""attachment_1429"" align=""alignright"" width=""300""] The rare Dickcissel, seen at Reedy Fork Farm![/caption]You won’t believe who’s coming to Reedy Fork these days. Just a couple Saturdays ago, 30 Grasshopper Sparrows, 22
O beautiful for....
Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 7/3/2014 to
" Take a good look at those spacious skies, amber waves of grain and purple mountain majesties. They’re part of the diversity that makes our country beautiful.
When people come together from diverse backgrounds and give their best to work