Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 3/31/2014 to
"If you're in the mood for a great spring fling - why not schedule a tour of Reedy Fork Farm? Come and see how the dairy, the organic farm, and the feed mill operate. Meet some of our staff, introduce yourself to some of the livestock, and have a taste of a great organic dairy products.
Each tour is customized to what you'd like to see and the amount of time you'd like to spend.
Choose from visits to the following:
- dairy barn
- milking parlor
- milk storage facility
- our calf barn, including a feeding demonstration (in season)
- feeding and grazing areas
- the feed mill
- the lagoon (the holding pond for cow manure, which we later use for fertilizer)
- intensive grazing paddocks
- crops (varies with season)
- chicken coop (starting in June)