Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 9/3/2019 to
"We are committed to offering your animals healthy feed because their development is as important as the health of people who consume your products. We have made improvements to our soy free starter feed that your chicks will love. New grind, a slightly different mixture, but still Certified Organic, non-GMO grains milled fresh at our feed mill in Elon, NC.
Soy isn't always so great in feed, which is why we provide you with the soy free option. The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act does list soy as one a common allergy. The allergens found in some soy products given to livestock can be passed on to the consumer. However, Reedy Fork Farm also provides soybeans that are heat treated, certified organic and non-GMO. Our process greatly reduces the risk of passing on allergens, almost to the point of being non-existent.
Whether you decide on soy free feed or our organic feed with roasted soybeans, you can rest assured that our certified organic, non-GMO products provide the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your livestock needs.
If you do try our new soy free feed, give us some feedback. We want to know what you like or don’t like about it.
Available in 25 lb. or 50 lb. bags as well as bulk totes or auger trailers.