Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 6/1/2017 to
Each year, the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA) sponsors a Legislative Breakfast at the General Assembly to educate our state lawmakers on recent trends and needs in the organic sector. This year, the Amy Hoffman Poirier of Hoffman Organic Farms gave a speech about the importance of state funding for conservation easements. About 30 people attended, including state Representatives and Senators, as well as general assembly staff and a few CFSA allies who work in Raleigh.
The staff of the cafeteria works with the CFSA to make a breakfast using all local and organic ingredients. The staff of the General Assembly always says its their favorite event because the food is always so good! This year's menu included Reedy Fork Farm Organic eggs, biscuits made from organic white wheat grown by Barham Farms and milled by Carolina Ground, link sausage from Firsthand Foods, sausage patties from Hickory Nut Gap Farm, yogurt from Carolina Farmhouse, and sweet potatoes hash made with potatoes from Pine Knott Farm and Watkins Farm. There was also milk and butter from Organic Valley.
The breakfast is always a great time to connect with our lawmakers, connect with our allies and to connect with folks at the General Assembly. The main message for the day was an ask for lawmakers to support Commissioner Troxler's request to increase funding for the Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund. You can hear Amy's speech here.