"When you're on the hunt for Organic Eggs, look no further that Reedy Fork Organic Farm. Our fresh, certified organic pastured poultry eggs pass all the tests you have for great eggs. They're delicious, nutritious, organic, and they come from our humanely raised chickens that freely range around our pasture. You can buy our eggs at the farm, and at these locations: Deep Roots Market 600 N Eugene St, Greensboro, NC Weaver Street Market in Southern Village 716 Market Street, Chapel Hill, NC Weaver Street Market in Carrboro 101 East Weaver Street, Carrboro, NC Weaver Street Market in Hillsborough 228 S Churton Street, Hillsborough, NC Durham Farmer's Market on Wednesday 3:30-6:30 PM through Mid October 501 Foster Street, Durham, NC Western Wake Farmer's Market on Saturday 8-Noon through November 101 Gathering Park Circle, Cary, NC, 27519 When you purchase our eggs, you're sure to go home with a winning basket! "

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