Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 10/6/2014 to
"Everyone knows that Reedy Fork Organic Farm is all about milk, eggs, meat and organic feed, but sometimes people forget the other organic products that are available. Take a look:
Organic Molasses made on our farm - $10 per pint. This molasses is made from sweet sorghum cane grown right here on the farm.
Organic Molasses in bulk - $9 per gallon. This delicious Molasses is from Pennsylvania.
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - Purchased from a farm in Pennsylvania, we use this to treat our animals in many ways. People use apple cider vinegar at the table, in pickles, or even to drink.
Organic Sunflower Oil - This oil is made from sunflowers grown right here at Reedy Fork Farm. We take their seeds, and press them in our mill to get the oil. We mix sunflower oil into our feed to give our cows energy. Many people cook with sunflower oil. And yes, we also sell the seeds - $46 for 40 pounds.