Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 4/12/2018 to
If you love chickens, and you're within driving distance of Charlotte, mark your calendars for April 28th, because you're going to want to be a part of this year's Queen's Coop Yardbird Fair and Coop Tour. It's a one day tour in Charlotte that will take you to several Free Range chicken coops around the area. You and your family will be able to observe coops, and learn all about chicken nutrition and organic feeding.
One of the best parts is that Jeff Mattocks from Fetrell Minerals is going to be there. If you've not met Jeff, you're going to be blown away by how much he knows about feed and minerals. He's an engaging, down to earth speaker that will take time to listen to your questions and give you real, practical answers.
There is also going to be a Chicken Dance After Party, with free range brewing, raffles, a silent auction, and music! It's going to be a fun learning experience for everyone.
For more information and to get tickets, visit"