"You hear a lot about electric cars, but you hardly ever hear about electric trucks - especially large commercial vehicles like we need on the farm. The reason is that farm vehicles need a lot of power and torque, too much for your average electric car. There are some large electric trucks in development, but it just doesn't seem to be on the front burner for any of the larger companies. Albert Straus of Straus Family Creamery in California, got tired of waiting. He'd already been powering most of his farm with poop. He scoops 4000 gallons of of cow manure into a covered lagoon. The trapped methane is converted into electricity! Strauss started experimenting on a 33,000 pound International Harvester, and after eight years of trial and error, he has developed an environmentally friendly, strong, reliable feed truck that they use day in and day out at the farm. We love how Straus Family Creamery has positioned itself to become part of the solution - instead of the problem. We're inspired...aren't you?! "

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