"If you're like most folks, you may not know what RAFI stands for, much less what it does. Rural Advancement Foundation International or RAFI promotes and protects sustainable agriculture in very practical ways. Since the first step to a reliable supply of safe, healthy food depends on strong family farms and rural communities, RAFI encourages close connections between consumers like you and producers like Reedy Fork. They aim to support environmentally sound farming. Their vision is that family farmers would not struggle to make a livelihood - but earn a fair, dependable income. They envision the preservation of clean air, water and fertile soil for our children and their children. Sound rural development is promoted while goals like conservation and agricultural biodiversity are always kept in mind. How does RAFI Meet Such Lofty Goals? Education of farmers, consumers and policy makers on the importance of sustainable agriculture is one way. RAFI also advises farmers and their communities of rights and opportunities. One way that RAFI puts its money where its mouth is (so to speak) is by awarding grants to small and large farms that benefit the community in a sustainable way. Reedy Fork is one of the farms that have received such a grant. Why Reedy Fork? Reedy Fork supplies area farms with a place to buy certified organic feed at a reasonable cost. We employ people who will assist in growing this business for the next generation. So last year we applied for one of the RAFI grants - and we won! You'll remember that we also received the Stonyfield Organic grant last year, so we feel doubly honored and blessed. At Reedy Fork, we share the RAFI vision for the future - one that safeguards our natural resources and helps provide a healthy food supply for the next generation. It's a partnership we can feel good about."

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