Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 11/21/2014 to
Sure you know that organic food is good for you, but did you know what’s required for organic certification? For instance, for three years prior to harvest, a farmer cannot apply prohibited substances like synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or sewage sludge. (Thank goodness!)
Or did you realize that an animal treated with antibiotics cannot be sold as organic?
To ensure the organic label can be trusted, annual on-site inspections and periodic residue testing are conducted.
At the USDA organic blog, you may discover a lot you didn'’t know about organic crops and programs – like the Farm to School Program that connects K-12 schools with regional or local producers in order to serve nutritious, healthy meals with locally sourced foods. (Who'’s not interested in healthier lunches in our children’s school cafeterias?)
Give them a visit here.
And if you'’d like to follow the latest news in organic farming, marketing, economics and opportunities, you can subscribe to their RSS feed or receive regular email updates.
After all, knowledge is power.