Posted by Reedy Fork Organic Farm on 8/1/2017 to
This year marks our 10th anniversary! Ten year ago, we were certified by Oregon Tilth as an Organic Dairy Farm. We thought it would be fun to take a look back...
In 2005, Reedy Fork Farm was in danger of closing. Changing government policies, a wobbly economy, and increased competition made a perfect storm, and the dairy was in danger of being unable to stay afloat.
George's wife Cherry and daughter Hayley had long known the many benefits of organic food and products. They encouraged George to explore the possibilities of making Reedy Fork Organic.
Reluctantly, George took a trip to Pennsylvania and Maryland, to see how 'crazy these people were'. He was convinced it couldn't be done. But he learned otherwise, and came back home with hope for the dairy, and a new respect for the organic way of farming.
And good news travels fast. Within two or three weeks of George's trip, Organic Valley came to visit him. They had been trying to start a dairy pool in North Carolina, and George was the kind of farmer they needed.
And the Organic Valley coop offered the kind of help George needed, too. They took him by the hand and advised him through the whole process of becoming organic. It takes three years to transition land, and Organic Valley was with him every step of the way. Finally, in 2007, Reedy Fork Farm became certified organic by Oregon Tilth.
At that point, Reedy Fork Farm became an official part of the Organic Valley Coop. And it remains so today. In fact, if you're in North Carolina and buy Organic Valley milk, there's a great chance that you're drinking milk from Reedy Fork Farm's wonderful cows.